[Think Like An Entrepreneur Thursday] Ep 28 - Business Ethics

I honestly think that it's a bit silly that I need to create a video about this, but too many times I see shady, shady characters. This is definitely more of a PSA than a lessons learned in business.

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[Think Like An Entrepreneur Thursday] Ep 27 - Business Fundamentals


In this episode we discuss why you must STOP chasing shiny objects in your business, and why it's crucial that you focus on the ONE thing that's created successful businesses since the beginning of time. (Here's a clue. It's not Facebook.)


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[Think Like An Entrepreneur Thursday] Ep 26 - How to Know When It's Time To Hire

Becoming an entrepreneur is the new it thing. However, if you don't know what you're doing or in a position where you're doing it all yourself, honestly, it's probably better for you just to go back and get a job. In this episode, we discuss how to know when it's a right time in your business to take that plunge and hire help. ............

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[VLOG] 3 Tips to Use Social Media to Build Relationships

A lot of people get on social media and start tweeting and posting, and then get really excited when they get some followers and likes.  However, so many people are missing out on an incredible opportunity to really build their business through social media. So I am going to share a couple of tips of what you can do to take it to the next level and start developing relationship using social media.

First, when you are connecting do more than just connect. A lot of people use Facebook as a networking tool. Be careful, don’t do too much business on your profile.  However, you can defiantly connect with potential business connections, if you are comfortable with it.  However, instead of just connecting and then moving on with life, actually introduce yourself.  Tell them what you do, and what you are about.

However, the key to this, and asking more about them, and find out how you can help them. This isn't about overloading them on what you are about and start...

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[VLOG] What I Believe When it Comes to Being an Entrepreneur

So it seems that it is the ‘it thing’, everyone wants you to be an entrepreneur. It is what everyone is doing and it is the only way to a great life. Entrepreneurship is not easy.  It’s not for everyone and there is a lot to endure. When you get use to that every week paycheck and then suddenly you don’t have insurance or paycheck coming it is all on you. Some people get a high off that and some people get completely freaked out about that. So before you jump on that entrepreneur bandwagon, I really don't think you have to do that in order to live a fulfilled life. But there are two things that you really do need to have and a lot of times it is entrepreneurship that gets you there.

The first thing is you must have some sort of purpose, some sort of calling higher than you of why you are here on earth. If you go and punch a clock every day and come home and sit and watch television, you really are more than likely are not living a life fulfilled....

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[VLOG] 4 Steps to Successful Networking

Networking to a lot of people can be terrifying or a lot of people claim they have tried it and it just does not work for them. But networking can be one of the most powerful, incredible tools for your business.

I backed into networking.  When I started my first business, I had just move to Dallas and did not know anyone. Someone invited me to a networking event, and I had no idea what it was.  I attended the event and was blown away by the potential to meet these incredible entrepreneurs. After coming from the corporate world they were amazing to me because they were positive, upbeat and excited about what they were doing, and I loved it. It was my lunchtime to get out and make new friends in the right groups.

What I see, is people doing it wrong. They say that it doesn’t work for them but it truly can work. I got to the point where I was literally getting phone calls from people years after a specific...

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